In the hardcover edition of Dave Eggers' first novel, the story begins on the front cover, the second page of text continuing on the endpapers. (The copyright information is included on the inside back cover.)
Upon reading Dave Eggers' wikipedia page just now, I've learned that a second version of this novel was published as a book called Sacrament that includes 49 additional pages that could potentially alter the way the novel is perceived. I remember liking it, moreso than I do his short fiction (never read A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, though it's been on the to-read list for years), so now my curiosity has been piqued. I might have to check the paperback edition (which includes the 49 additional pages) out from the library. Or I could try to buy the hardcover edition of Sacrament, which is also published in a pretty-looking edition with the story beginning on the front cover, although it seems like it is a little bit hard to come by (and pricy for that matter).
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